Decorating Trends

 We found this article to be very interesting. Not sure if we agree on all of the trends that this is saying may go extinct....We certainly don't think a living room would be complete without a coffee table or a bedroom without a nightstand! Let us know your thoughts!

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Great question Jill! This sseaons trends are all about being classic, understated and polished. So start by getting rid of anything that doesn’t fit well. You may love the pattern, color or style, but if it doesn’t fit, chances are it will never make it off the hanger. And toss any pieces with loud, bright patterns. Hang on to those red, burnt orange, kelly green and golden yellow sweaters but only if they are in a solid or timeless pattern like pin stripe, arglye or plaid. Same goes for leggings.Best of luck closet cleaning Jill! I just finished organizing and re-painting mine and it’s like walking into a boutique every morning! It always makes me smile;).Happy shopping girly!Leslie


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